Downloading Files

Our worksheets and pages are all in PDF format and can be downloaded and viewed with a PDF reader. Depending on your browser and reader, you may be able to print the page without even downloading a thing.

The only way to preview one of our pages is to click the text that looks like this: -Preview this page-
The only way to download one of our pages is to click  this: button: downloadit2

While we don’t necessarily love to put ads on our site it is necessary to allow us to be able to continue to provide more content, but we try to keep it minimal.  While some advertisements may look like they could be a part of our content and will display text or an image urging you to download a file, they may actually take you away from our pages and the item that you really want. Some ads may even promote worksheets from other publishers which is okay, it just means a small detour for you. We do not wish for you to be mislead or taken away from the village before you’re ready to go and we will never ask you to click on anything that does not get you to the desired file.