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Teaching Tools

Large Display Letters: 26 pages

This set of 26 large letters is perfect for use on a bulletin board, above a blackboard, or in any spot which needs to be visible to the entire class.

Save time and get the entire set of 26 letters!

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Book Marks
bookmarks-halloween-2Halloween Bookmarks

Bats! Jack-o-Lanterns! Candy Corn and STILL MORE BATS!! There are four different Halloween bookmarks per page.

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bookmarks-halloween_batsBats Halloween Bookmarks

Bats fill the full moon sky over the haunted house in this page of 4 bookmarks.

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colorable-bookmarks-halloween-1Colorable Halloween Bookmarks

A set of four Halloween bookmarks that your little readers can color and share.

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Flash Cards
AnimalABCFlashcardsAnimal Alphabet Flashcards

Students will find many ways to use this very cute animal themed set of ABC flashcards.

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Capital Letters Flashcards

These colorful cards will help your student to identify the capital letters of the alphabet, and to recognize the sounds they make.

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ABCULCFlashCardsUppercase / Lowercase ABC Flashcards

These cards will help your student identify capital letters,lowercase letters, and their sounds.

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match-sound-to-picture-flashcards setMatch Sounds to Pictures Flashcards

Students can match letter sounds with pictures, or pictures to letter sounds. with this colorful flashcard set.

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AdditionFlashcardsAddition Flashcards

Help your student to memorize addition problems.


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SubtractionFlashcardsSubtraction Flash Cards

Help your student improve her subtraction skills with this set of subtraction flash cards.

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MultiplicationFlashcardsMultiplication Flashcards

Help your student to memorize addition problems.


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division_flashcardsDivision Flashcards

Help your student to memorize division problems.


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color-and-shapes-flash-cardsColors and Shapes Flash Cards

Students will practice color and shape recognition with this set of flash cards.

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color-flash-cardsColor Flash Cards

Students will learn nine basic colors in this flash card set.


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JingleBellsLyricsLyrics for Jingle Bells

This is quite possibly the first Christmas song any child will learn and few children will require the lyrics written down for them… but if they do you’ll be glad to have this handy sheet.

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twelve-days-of-christmas-lyricsLyrics for The Twelve Days of Christmas

Any group of children will have a great time learning this favorite Christmas carol!

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WeWishYouaMerryChristmaslyricsLyrics for We Wish You a Merry Christmas

We Wish You a Merry Christmas is a very lively carol, one of the favorites for kids of any age, and fun to learn.

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